
Dangers of Complications of Diabetes Disease

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Dangers of Complications of Diabetes Disease

Dangers of Complications of Diabetes Disease

Health problems like blood sugar or diabetes is one of the most dangerous health disorders. Actually this health problem started from trivial and may not materialize, but slowly developed into a very severe health problems and even fatal. Diabetes can be cured easily if painstaking in handling.

If these health problems are not addressed then it is very risky to more severe conditions and even cause complications. Diabetes that has entered an advanced stage is potentially difficult to cure because it is associated with the performance of kidneys that are impaired due to excessive buildup of blood sugar levels.

It should also be aware of the complications that will arise from this one health disorder. The risk of other health disorders that accompany this health disorder is indeed very dangerous for the long term. So from oitu need to address the problem of dangerous diseases of this sugar so that not only developed into a more dangerous health disorders.

Beware Of The Dangers Of Diabetes Disease Complications

There is some risk of complications of health problems that can occur due to diabetes. Even this further aggravates the condition of diabetes that develops into new problems. For that need special attention to this health disorder. Here is just knowledge for the problems that can arise due to diabetes.

Cardiovascular Disease

One of the other health risks that can arise from diabetes is cardiovascular disease. For example, such as heart health disorders and hypertension. This occurs due to interference or damage to the blood vessels as a result of diabetes. Even the risk of these complications increases the danger of higher deaths from diabetes.

Arise Stroke

Furthermore, the risk of health problems due to diabetes is the emergence of health problems such as stoke. This occurs due to the buildup of plaque in the blood vessels leading to the brain. The main cause is the buildup of hyperglycemia. Blood flow and oxygen intake leading to the brain becomes disrupted causing a stroke. Patients will experience decreased brain performance.


Even diabetes in a dangerous stage is at risk of cancer. Why this happened? The cause is of course derived from the hormone insulin is not stable and blood sugar levels are very high. This condition triggers the development and growth of malignant cancer cells. The solution by implementing a healthy lifestyle well so that lowers health.


Furthermore, bleeding in the part of the retinal blood pembulh and eyes because of high blood sugar levels. Complications of this retinopathy are at risk of developing blindness in diabetics. If blood sugar levels continue to grow high then the higher the risk of blindness that will occur. This requires quite serious handling so it does not have the potential to be worse.

Well, so some risk of complications from health problems diabetes or diabetes. This condition will continue to be worsened with unhealthy lifestyle and habits in everyday life. Therefore, to prevent worsening conditions and complications then start to change unhealthy lifestyles. Strive to always apply a healthy lifestyle well.

Apply a healthy lifestyle by exercising, eating high nutritious low-sugar foods, multiply drinking water and avoiding all the habits and lifestyles that have the potential to increase blood sugar levels. May be useful.
