
Types Of Foods That Can Make Skin Damaged

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Types Of Foods That Can Make Skin Damaged

For everyone there may be many who often consume food, but do not know anything about the danger or the benefits of these foods for our bodies. Some foods can damage our organs including skin. The skin is the most sensitive part of the human body, because the skin is directly exposed to the outside world. Well some foods this time is the cause of the destruction of our skin. Perhaps many do not know it yet. Consider the explanation below.

1. Candy

Well yoh, this one food you must have Consuming maybe too often. Why do I include candy, because candy is a sweet food, from some foods like ice cream, chocolate, and cake that has great potential to cause your skin is damaged. Too much sugar in the body can lead to inflammation of sugar in the body which can therefore impact on the destruction of your skin.

2. Salt

Chips, crackers and fried fried foods are high in salt and can lead to dehydration and can absorb water from your skin. Too much salt in the body will also make the fluid in the body cells begin to shrink, that's why these foods can make our skin dry.

3. Coffee

Coffee contains caffeine which is actually good for the skin, but if too often it can actually cause dehydration. The effect will be worse if you drink coffee on an empty stomach.

4. Soda

Soft drinks can not only make the body fat but also cause a dry and dull effect on the skin. Skin can quickly aging and even trigger the growth of acne.

5. Fresh Bread

Bread is a high-flour food made of sugar and carbohydrates, and this is what makes bread boost your blood sugar and body insulin. The next perceived effect is to damage skin collagen, dry skin and cause wrinkles.

Well it's some kind of food that can cause our skin can be damaged. That is all and thank you.
